The Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

May 1, 2023

No, the Rich Don’t Deserve Their Wealth

Capitalism is built on the meritocratic idea that everyone gets what they deserve in the marketplace. This May Day, let’s reject that idea — wealth creation is a fundamentally social process, and the rich have no right to hoard all the resources and power.

ChatGPT and human intelligence: Noam Chomsky responds to critics

'The threat to privacy and data security posed by language models like ChatGPT is real enough. I frankly doubt that there's any practical way to contain them. The most effective means that I can think of…to counter the spread of malicious doctrines and ideology are education in critical thinking, organization to encourage deliberation, and modes of intellectual self-defense.' —Noam Chomsky

The History of May Day

The late historian Eric Hobsbawm recounts the history of International Workers' Day.

Noam Chomsky on Canadian war criminals and a world after capitalism ⋆ The Breach

In an interview with The Breach, the scholar discusses Canadian imperialism, the dangers of NATO and building a better future

Why Ukraine’s interest in Chinese-brokered peace worries the White House

China’s recent pledge to send a peace delegation to Ukraine in the hope of resolving the country’s ongoing war with Russia is a hopeful sign the bloody conflict may soon come to an end. But the US’s general hostility to Chinese peace initiatives suggests there may be serious limitations to Ukrainian sovereignty. The choice between continuing the conflict, or suing for peace, may not be Kyiv’s to make.

Inflation: causes and solutions – Michael Roberts Blog

So-called ‘core inflation’ (excluding food and energy) remains ‘sticky’, so that even in a slump, inflation rates are likely to stay above the average rates prior to the pandemic slump. But it’s the slump that will end high inflation (as it did in the early 1980s), not interest-rate hikes or price controls.

You Are Reading This Thanks to Semiconductors: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2023)

If you are reading this newsletter on your smartphone, then you should know that this tiny instrument has billions of miniscule transistors that are invisible to the human eye. The scale of the developments in digital technology is staggering. Earlier conflicts took place over energy and food, but now this conflict has heated up over – amongst other matters – the resources of our digital world. This technology can be used to solve so many of our dilemmas, and yet, here we are, at the precipice of greater conflict to benefit the few over the needs of the many.