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Tribune | Rachel Reeves’ plans to slash public spending and investment on the basis that Britain is ‘broke’ is a rehash of the exact rhetoric that gave us 14 years of Tory austerity.
Tribune | The Labour Party reportedly agreed not to introduce media reforms in exchange for Rupert Murdoch’s backing — ensuring that the corrosive role that media elites play in our country will continue with impunity under a Starmer government.
Canadian Dimension | With the Conservatives headed into disintegration or irrelevance, the incoming Labour government may prove the penultimate stage in the collapse of the UK political establishment. The brightness of its success in fashioning Starmer’s Labour into its instrument is the gaseous brilliance of the supernova, the efflorescence that precedes a star’s death.
There’s been Abenomics in Japan; Modinomics in India and Bidenomics in the US. Now we have Securonomics in Britain. This is slick terminology for the basics of the UK’s new Labour government’s economic policy – as expounded by its new finance minister (quaintly called the Chancellor of the Exchequer in Britain), Rachel Reeves a former Bank of England economist.
Tribune | Keir Starmer claims that Labour is now ‘pro-business and pro-worker’, but the order of these priorities is no coincidence. Yesterday’s manifesto confirmed that the interests of big business and the wealthy will come first under a Labour government.
Tribune | The fascist surge across the European Union is directly down to the bankruptcy of centrist politicians — whose failure in addressing soaring inequalities and deep social problems should haunt Starmer's Labour.
Jacobin | Jeremy Corbyn was recently expelled from the Labour Party when he announced he was running for reelection to Parliament as an independent. He talked to us about his long career as an MP and why he expects to win this July.
Declassified visits Belfast as Ireland appears on the edge of something truly historic, with most agreeing that Brexit was the game-changer.
Tribune | On the same day that climate scientists announced the world had breached the warming limit of 1.5 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels, Starmer effectively announced that he had given up the fight against climate breakdown.
People's World | The British Labour Party will recognize a Palestinian state when it gets permission from Israel to do so, party leader Sir Keir Starmer has announced in his latest abandonment of progressive international commitments.
MATTHEW ALFORD presents here an article he wrote charting US and British military aggression across the globe – and tells the story of what happened to that article once it arrived in the inbox of editors at a respected liberal publication
It all depends on whether the UK economy can ‘’grow out’’ of its debt burden as it did after the second world war through a combination of high public investment and rising inflation (that eventually forced the devaluation of the pound). Given that the profitability of capital in the UK is at an all-time low and the business investment rate worse than in any other major economy, the prospects of achieving that are small. Before this parliamentary term ends, the UK economy could be facing a new economic crisis.
Grace Blakely | Keir Starmer’s speech today was an opportunity to present a bold alternative to growing inequality under the Tories – it failed spectacularly.
Judge says it would be ‘oppressive’ to extradite WikiLeaks founder to US, citing concerns for his mental health
Corbyn can’t seem to grasp, at least not publicly, that aside from what his opponents outside the party, such as the fetid Murdoch media, get up to, there are those within— its Blairite remnant and its pro-Zionist bloc —who will do everything they can to destroy him and his supporters politically. No amount of soft-pedalling on Corbyn’s part will change their minds.
If Labour is to challenge the Tory vision of society, it must challenge the Tory vision of the economy – and that begins by tackling the dominant idea that the market is efficient while public spending is wasteful.
AS INCREASING numbers of Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) defy the ban on discussion of Jeremy Corbyn’s removal from the parliamentary party, the number of suspensions grows too.
The party leadership are prepared for purges on an extraordinary scale: deputy leader Angela Rayner talked at the weekend of suspending “thousands and thousands” of members.
UCU members are taking strike action over falling pay, the gender and ethnic pay gap, precarious employment practices, and unsafe workloads. University employers consistently fail to address these issues.