The Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 20, 2022

Secret Documents Have Exposed the CIA’s Julian Assange Obsession

New revelations show that the CIA secretly took control of the security company hired by Ecuador’s government to guard Julian Assange during his exile in London. The agency’s spying on Assange and his visitors constitutes a major breach of civil liberties.

Canadian Law Professors Are Speaking Out in Support of Palestinian Human Rights Defenders

Last year, Israel designated several Palestinian humanitarian organizations as terrorist groups. In an open letter, 60 Canadian law professors urged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to make good on his professed commitment to human rights. He has yet to respond.

Canadians Deserve to Vote on Breaking With the Monarchy

New polling suggests that a majority of Canadians want a vote on maintaining their country’s link to the British Crown. Imagine that: a long-overdue, democratic debate on cutting ties with a wildly undemocratic institution.