The Daily Shaarli

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October 20, 2020

The IMF smokescreen – Michael Roberts Blog

The IMF’s policy proposals are creating a ‘smokescreen’ (literally! ) to hide the reality that, as long as the fossil fuel industry and the other big multinational emitters of greenhouse gases are untouched and not brought into a plan for phasing them out, the tipping point for irreversible global warming will be passed.

As Local News Dies, a Pay-for-Play Network Rises in Its Place - The New York Times

A nationwide operation of 1,300 local sites publishes coverage that is ordered up by Republican groups and corporate P.R. firms.

Evo Morales’s Party’s Massive Victory Is a Rebuke to US Elites Who Hailed the Coup

Immediately after last year’s right-wing coup in Bolivia, US elites, including many liberals, celebrated or excused the putsch against Evo Morales. Yesterday’s resounding electoral win for Morales’s party is a rebuke to all of their bloviating nonsense — and a massive triumph for democracy in Bolivia.

How the IMF and World Bank Turned a Pandemic into a Public Relations Stunt - FPIF

The IMF and the Bank would like the global South to believe that they are indispensable. They are not.

It’s Not Enough to Fight — Labor and the Left Have to Be Serious About How to Win

Unions and the Left across the globe have the power to defeat the billionaires. But Jane McAlevey explains that doing this requires we learn the best traditions of labor organizing — and that we talk to people who don’t already agree with us and win them over to our side.

Five (Bad) Habits of Nearly Successful Political Projects

Gargi Bhattacharyya assesses the stumbling blocks for electoral paths to socialism in the aftermath of Corbynism.

U.S. Diplomats and Spies Battle Trump Administration Over Suspected Attacks - The New York Times

"American officials in China, Cuba and Russia say U.S. agencies are concealing the true extent of the episodes"