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CounterPunch.org | The Nobel Peace Prize has long been tarnished. It was awarded to President Obama before he had spent a year in office with no significant peace initiative on his record, and before he became one of the more aggressive presidents in history in terms of projecting US military power unilaterally. Earlier the award was shared by war criminal Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho, the head of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (who refused to accept his honor and the money that comes with it), and Teddy Roosevelt, imperialist war monger of an earlier era.
"Until now, only England, France and Australia have been allowed to buy large, armed drones from U.S. manufacturers, according to data collected by The Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College in New York state. Jordan, Romania, Saudi Arabia and UAE have shown interest in purchasing U.S. systems and will be among the first customers in line when the U.S. policy changes, one of the industry executives said."