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Disconnect | The Little Tech Agenda was crafted to defend the power of tech billionaires
Monthly Review | In this forcefully argued piece, Dae-Han Song presents an overview of the past few decades of U.S. policy on the Korean Peninsula and its continued refusal to engage meaningfully with any peace process between the artificially separated North and South. The article ends with a series of demands that look toward a future of peace on the peninsula.
There are more than 100 response teams nationwide, but experts say more research on their impact is needed.
The Third Plenum of the Communist Party of China ended last week. The Third Plenum is a meeting of China’s Communist Party Central Committee composed of 364 members which discusses China’s economic policy for the next several years. As China is a one-party state, in effect this sets out the policies of the government and, in particular, that of President Xi.
Beijing has brokered a historic deal to end the rift between Palestinian groups Hamas and Fatah, Chinese state media reported today.
The Tricontinental | From the 1942 ‘American century’ to Trump’s ‘American carnage’, the US has shifted from a post-WW2 boom to decline, facing political divides, economic crisis, poverty, and social decay.
The Tricontinental | This dossier explores the possibilities that the current crisis of global capitalism creates for sovereign regional development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean and the importance of South-South alliances in this struggle.
In 1941, the RCMP recruited Frank Hadesbeck, a Spanish Civil War veteran, as a paid informant to infiltrate the Communist Party. For decades, he informed upon hundreds of people who held progressive views. Hadesbeck’s “Watch Out” lists on behalf of the Security Service included labour activists, medical doctors, and anyone involved in the peace and human rights movements.
What does windfall spending on NATO do for Canada’s national security? As the militarization of the North proceeds against an inflated eastern threat, eroding Canadian sovereignty through Cold War aerospace programs such as NORAD, it remains difficult to portray Canada’s increasingly assertive global deployments as a matter of national defence.
Monthly Review | All countries are interconnected through geopolitics. Korea’s position in this giant mechanism is due to its role as a linchpin of U.S.-China strategy in Northeast Asia, and thus inevitably throughout the Indo-Pacific theater, and further into the global struggle between U.S. imperialism and the emerging multipolar world.
The Tricontinental | Red Alert No. 18 | The US-led militarisation of the Pacific, aimed at China, is intensifying. The ongoing Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise features 25,000 military personnel from 29 countries.
Jacobin | The Hamas attack on October 7 shook Israeli society. But to its powerful settler movement, it was an opportunity to realize its expansionist vision.
The massive tech failure that caused chaos around the world raises important questions about the ownership and control of our digital world. The relatively unknown, cyber-security firm CrowdStrike admitted that the problem was caused by an update to its antivirus software, which was designed to protect Microsoft Windows devices from malicious attacks.
Orinoco Tribune | “We are talking about The Guardian in the United Kingdom, El País in Spain, The New York Times and The Washington Post in the United States, and other international news agencies,” the official said, adding that this mainstream media attack is based on the fact that these outlets are seeking to create a narrative that the opposition will win the elections “in an overwhelming way” and that as a result there would be inevitable fraud in Venezuela.
The real meaning of McCarthyism is that it, along with its attendant panics and inquisitions, are just weapons of the rich against the exploited and oppressed. If we want a new world, we can’t ever forget that.
Liberation News | The ghost of “Tail-Gunner Joe” McCarthy is haunting the U.S. Congress.
When the Monroe Doctrine was declared, in 1823, it was aimed at European colonial powers. It told them to butt out: the U.S. “sphere of influence” included all of Latin America and the Caribbean. During the past two centuries, virtually every Latin American and Caribbean country has had to endure U.S. intervention and interference in their internal affairs. The coups, political manipulation and aggression directed by Washington have been relentless.
Jacobin | While Democrats remain in disarray over an unpopular, unsteady incumbent, Donald Trump supporters at the Republican National Convention are newly energized after their candidate’s near-death experience — and more committed to his victory than ever.
Jacobin | There are some other things transpiring in American politics right now. But we must note that Democratic leaders are now unabashedly stating what Bernie Sanders supporters said over and over in 2020: the party pushed Biden primarily to stop Bernie.
People's World | The right-wing National Review reported that delegates at the Convention Committee on Platform were not allowed to review the proposed document until the morning of the session when it would be debated and adopted. They were ordered to lock away their phones, electronics, and computers, and delegates were shadowed to the restroom to ensure there were no leaks of proceedings.